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SBCMS News/Media


LAST CHANCE: Free online course helps providers identify child abuse and understand reporting obligations

Thanks to a grant from the California Governor’s Office of Emergency Services, the California Medical Association’s Institute for Medical Quality has been able to offer, free of charge, an online educational program on child abuse prevention, recognition and reporting. The course is designed for California physicians, nurses and other health care professionals who regularly or occasionally treat pediatric patients. If you haven’t had a chance to take this free 75-minute course, do so now before the grant expires on September 30, 2017. Physicians and other health care professionals are mandated by ...

Free CME: Child abuse prevention, recognition and reporting

The Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ) is offering a free online course on child abuse prevention, recognition and reporting. This 75-minute course, created by the Child Abuse Prevention Center in Sacramento, is designed for physicians, nurses and other health care professionals who are mandated by law to report suspected child abuse and neglect, but who may not be familiar with the signs and symptoms. This course will also explain what, when and to whom to properly report findings. Upon completion of the course, attendees will receive 1.25 continuing education credits ...

IMQ offers FREE CME for online course on child abuse and neglect

In an effort to prevent more childhood trauma, the Institute for Medical Quality (IMQ), a subsidiary of the California Medical Association, is offering a free online course to help physicians, nurses and mental health providers recognize and report child abuse and neglect. This interactive course, approved for 1.25 continuing medical education (CME) credits, was produced by the Child Abuse Prevention center in Sacramento, an international training, education, research and resource center dedicated to protecting children and building healthy families. The course is especially helpful for learning how to handle questionable ...

Children and Families in Crisis

When Havens Become Horrow Stories - Dealing with child abuse in all its forms -- physical abuse, sexual abuse, trafficking, and more. A one day conference on Friday, April 10, 2015 at CSU San Bernardino at the Palm Desert Campus. For professionals whose work has an impact on children's well-being, knowing preventive strategies, having the ability to recognize the signs of harm, and knowing what to do when intervention is needed, are central to the goals of this conference. Keynote Speakers Dr. Ken Druck is one of the nation's leading experts in resilience ...